The registration desk will be in the shelter on the first bend of the track, open from 10am
onwards. If the weather is poor, it will be moved into the clubhouse. Please collect your
number in plenty of time before your event, races will NOT be delayed due to latecomers.
Disabled parking (blue badge holders) will be directly by the clubhouse. PLEASE DO NOT try and park by the clubhouse unless you
are a blue badge holder, as you will be asked to move.
The car park can be accessed by the lower gate on Podsmead Road (GL2 5AB), but
please be aware that there is limited space. If the car park is full, you will need to find
alternative street parking away from the track. Please park sensibly so that we do not
upset the local residents.
Please be aware of your specific heat time and make sure you arrive by the startline 5
minutes before the start of your scheduled race and listen for announcements. Races
will not be delayed by latecomers. If you have a timetable clash with a field
event, the track event takes priority. Please make the Field Event officials aware that
you need to do a track race. Club vests/kit does not have to be worn.
A huge amount of time and effort has gone into putting athletes into the most
suitable race, based on the times/performances that were provided. If you feel
strongly that you are not in the correct race for your ability, contact Steve on but please understand that it might not be
possible to change races.
Event results will be posted as soon as possible in the shelter, by the registration
desk. Please don't distract the timekeepers and officials, as they are performing a
vital role! Published results will be posted on the day after
the event.With thanks to Gloucester Athletics Track Management (GATM) for their
support in hosting this event.
Any queries, please email Steve on